Survey, detailed design and engineering services of 4 lane (2x2) 21 km highway in Bartın.
Contract Date: 2018
client: General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments
Name of Work: Surveying, Detailed Design and Engineering Services of Railway and Road Connection to Filyos Port and Filyos Industrial Zone
Raılway and Road connectıons to Fılyos Port
Survey, detailed design and engineering services of 12.005 km single track conventional mix use (freight + passanger) railway with 50 km/h operation speed connecting Filyos Industrial Zone to Filyos Port, and 4.27 km² lane (2×1) connection road. The project includes 2 stations, 1 overpass bridge, 1 highway bridges with a length of 387.5 m, 2 railway bridges with the total length of 387.7 m.