The project includes Supervision services during construction and maintenance period of construction and upgradation works of 57.71 km 2-lane road
Contract Date: 2014
client: General Directorate of Highways
Name of Work: Supervision, Consultancy and Engineering Services of Construction Kemerhisar and Niğde Connection Roads of Gölcük-Kemerhisar Section of Ankara- Pozantı Motorway
Ankara Pozantı Motorway
Construction supervision of 6 lane (2×3) 44.5 km highway, and 4 lane (2×2) 17.7 km connection road. Total length of highway is 62.2 km. The project includes 255 culverts, 12 underpass bridges, 5 overpass bridges, 8 interchange bridges, Toll collection facilities in 4 different locations, 1 highway service facility (type B).